Showing 1–12 of 16 results

Toquilla straw hats, panama hat, fine Montecristi man, made by skilled hands of artisans in Montecristi Ecuador, its process and elaboration can last up to 8 months, depending on its quality, the fine toquilla straw hat universally known and appreciated as a handmade jewel, It continues to be a symbol of Montecristi Ecuador, a craft synonymous with supreme distinction and elegance, woven and made from toquilla straw “cardoluvica palmata” with a soft texture. There is a wide variety of styles, fedora designs, classic, gambler, trilby, Australian, colonial, avocado, different grades, categories, price bands.

Toquilla straw hat, ecuadorian panama hat, fedora hat, montecristi panama hat, man panama hat, summer toquilla straw hat


Original price was: $150.00.Current price is: $120.00.
Original price was: $200.00.Current price is: $160.00.